Pune, June 25: The city’s first human milk bank has been set up by the Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre jointly with the Rotary Club, Nariman Point, Mumbai. The human milk bank service is established for collecting, screening, processing, storing and distributing donated human milk.
The department of paediatrics of the hospital will inaugurate the human milk bank on June 26, in the presence of district governor Jayant Kulkarni at 4.30 pm.
The mother’s milk may not be available in neonatal intensive care unit, as the mother may be admitted in another hospital or may be sick herself or even have inadequate milk due to stress. In such cases, the breast milk bank is extremely helpful.
A statement issued by the hospital said that to prevent transmission of infections, donor’s health history is taken, screening is done for HIV I and II and hepatitis B, heat treatment is given to donor’s milk and consent is taken from the mother.
The first milk bank was set up by Armida Fernandez at the LTMG hospital in Sion, Mumbai in November 1989. Since then the human milk bank has been in most prolific demand. There are eight milk banks across India supplying milk to needy infants.
These milk banks are popular in Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Bulgaria among other countries.