Bengaluru : Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Karnataka chief B.S. Yeddyurappa on Sunday returned the extravagant Rs. one crore SUV to former industries minister Murugesh Nirani after a massive controversy erupted over the luxury vehicle.
In a statement, Yeddyurappa said in his 40 years of political struggle in his life, he has travelled all modes of public transport including car, widely covering all parts of Karnataka.
“Handling the same state tour in the same manner is not an issue at all for me. Hence I have sent back the car provided by Murugesh Nirani yesterday to his residence,” he said.
Yeddyurappa yesterday said that the SUV, worth of Rs. one crore, had been gifted to him by Murugesh Nirani.
When asked why he was using this car to travel across drought-hit Karnataka, Yeddyurappa said these two things should not be compared. (ANI)