Endowment Minister A Indrakaran Reddy today directed the officials to release Rs 3.5 cr from common good fund for developing the temples in backward class areas and renovation in the state for a facelift.
At a review meeting of CGF committee here he said that it was decided to raise the income limit to Rs 10 lakhs from Rs 5 laks to get financial assistance and to release funds by increasing it to Rs 10 lakhs from Rs 3 lakhs for repairs of the temples. A big plan of developing Kaleshwaram temple, which was allotted Rs 25 lakhs, is ready and Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao will take a call after taking a look at it he said. The minister planted a sapling at the endowment office earlier. The department has set a target to plant 9.21 lakh saplings. It is the responsibility of the government to spread Vedic type of education and set up Veda Schools one each at Yadagiri Gutta and Vemulawada he said. (NSS)