Facebook to highlight trustworthy publishers in News Feed

New York: Continuing its attempts to monitor content in News Feed, Facebook announced that it will prioritise ‘trustworthy’ publications by surveying the social network’s community.

As per CEO and Founder Mark Zuckerberg, the company will consider making the decision on news sources itself or consulting outside experts, along with input received from the community, reports The Verge.

This is being done to cut down the volume of fake news reports being circulated online, particularly on the social media.

Earlier in the month, Facebook announced its plans to revamp content that appears on a user’s News Feed, in a bid to make social media interactions more meaningful and relevant.

The decision comes after a number of users complained of their News Feed being convoluted with public content, including brand promotions, media posts and so on, that are taking away the essence of one’s personal space.

To this, Zuckerberg assured that the company’s product teams have been notified of the increasing amount of ‘spam’ and are working on developing new methods to decrease the amount of public content appearing on the News Feed.