Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today directed the ministers and officials concerned to examine the demand of making Kalwakurty in Mahabubnagar as revenue division as there is a demand by leaders and public.
The Chief Minister on Tuesday discussed the issue with district ministers including Jupally Krishna Rao, Dr C Lakshma Reddy, State Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Niranjan Reddy and Collector Sridevi and took stock of the situation. The chief minister said that there are no chances of making Kalwakurty as revenue division. The government is planning to include Amangal, Madgula and Talakondapally into a proposed Ranga Reddy (Shamshabad) district. With this only Kalwakurty and Veldanda mandals will remain in Mahabubnagar district. In spite of this keeping public demand in view, KCR sought to know on making Kalwakurty a revenue division. He examined the officials on the issue and submit a report. (NSS)