The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Monday announced scheduled for conduct of elections for 5 MLCs seats in Andhra Pradesh and one in Telangana State.
In Andhra Pradesh, elections will be held for Graduates’ Constituencies of Srikakulam-Vizianagaram-Visakhapatnam, Prakasam- Nellore- Chittoor and Kadapa- Anantapur- Kurnool and two Teachers’ Constituencies of Prakasam- Nellore- Chittoor and Kadapa- Anantapur- Kurnool. Similarly, in Telangana State, elections will be held for Mahabubnagar-Ranga Reddy- Hyderabad Teachers’ Constituency. All these seats will fall vacant on March 29.
As per ECI schedule, the notification for MLC elections will be issued on February 13 and last date for filing of nominations will be 20th February. The nominations will be scrutinised on 21st February and last date for withdrawal of candidatures will be 23rd Feb. The polling will be conducted on 9th March from 8 am to 4 pm and counting of votes will take place on 15th March. (INN)