The Election Commission of India on Thursday announced the schedule for conduct of biennial elections for six seats of Rajya Sabha in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana as the term of sitting members is due to expire on June 21.
The notification for the Rajya Sabha elections will be issued on May 24 and last date for filing of nominations will be 31st May. While nominations will be scrutinised on 1st June, the last date for withdrawal of candidature will be 3rd June. Polling will be held on 11th June from 9 AM to 4 PM and counting of votes will take palce on the same day from 5 PM.
The terms of Nirmala Sitharaman (BJP), Jesu Dasu Seelam (INC), Jairam Ramesh (INC) and Y.S. Chowdhary (TDP) in Andhra Pradesh and G. Sudha Rani (TDP) and V. Hanumantha Rao (INC) in Telangana will expire on June 21. The Congress party is not likely to win any of three seats it held in both AP and Telangana. (INN)