chief parliamentary secretary Dr Navjot Kaur Sidhu has threatened to observe hunger strike if Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal did not release Rs 10 crore grant for development in her constituency (Amritsar).
She said.”I am firm on my hunger strike announcement. Badal has promised me to clear the grants within 15 days and if failed, I would launch a protest,”
She has accused the Akali Dal leadership of meting out step motherly treatment to her constituency by not releasing the funds or diverting the same to other constituencies.Earlier on August 5 she had threatened to quit BJP if it continued its alliance with Shiromani Akali Dal in 2017 assembly elections.
Sidhu had recently gatecrashed when she was not allowed to meet Badal. She was seen standing in a cue to meet the chief minister. Badal had denied the allegations saying that his government was sincerely working to ensure overall development in the state.