NEW DELHI: HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar today said the decision to change the name of an evening college here was not the government’s decision and has been put on hold. Raising the issue during the Zero Hour in the Rajya Sabha, SAD member Naresh Gujral said the “unfortunately” managing committee of the Dyal Singh College recently decided to rename the evening college of the institution as Vande Mataram Mahavidyalaya.
LIVE: Press Conference by Shri @PrakashJavdekar at 11 Ashok road, New Delhi.
— BJP (@BJP4India) December 19, 2017
He said he admitted that the words Vande Mataram evoked patriotic fervor in every Indian and the government should set up Vande Mataram universities all over the country. Dyal Singh Evening College To Be Renamed As Vande Mataram Mahavidyalaya.
Also Read : Don’t Allow Dyal Singh (Evening) College Name Change: Educationists
“But to change the name of a minority institution is a direct assault on the feelings of Sikhs…I feel this is something to be condemned,” the SAD leader said and demanded that managing committee should be replaced immediately. Responding to this, Prakash Javadekar said the renaming was not the decision of the central government.
“Is not a government’s decision and the government does not like it. That’s why we have asked that the decision be withheld forthwith and an immediate meeting be convened … we don’t like it and such a thing will not happen,” the minister said, adding that the Delhi University, with which the college is affiliated, has also been informed.
Also Read : Delhi University: Dyal Singh College (Evening) renamed as ‘Vande Mataram College’
“Creating unnecessary controversies by playing with emotions is wrong,” he added. Won’t Allow Dyal Singh (Evening) College Name Change: Educationists
Naresh Gujral said philanthropist Dyal Singh Majithia had given his entire savings and life to the cause of education and set up several colleges and schools. There is a Dyal Singh College in Lahore also, he said.