Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray addressed the party’s annual rally held on the Shivaji Park ground in Dadar. Shiv Sena got the clearance from the Bombay High Court to hold the rally at Shivaji Park in Mumbai this year after separate applications moved by the BJP-led Maharashtra government and Shiv Sena, which also is part of the state government.
“If VK Singh equates Dalits and dogs, why did you unveil Babasaheb’s memorial in Indu Mill?”, the party chief taunted BJP. PM Modi had commemorated Bal Thackeray at the Indu Mill.
Defending the party’s actions against Kasuri book launch he said, “Incidents like Dadri, not the ink attack, shame India and lower country’s image. How did Dalit firing incident happen in Haryana?” Thackeray said that the party acted in a democratic manner during the Kasuri episode. “Responded with ink, since it was a book launch,” he said.
He also spoke about India-Pakistan ties, “Keep culture and cricket aside, first sort out border issues.”
He also hit out at the state BJP over the pulses price rise. “There was news that Dal worth 25 lacs stolen in Nagpur,” he said.
“First protect Dal and then Pakistan,” he said.
Thackeray talked about the party’s agenda, “We will not leave Hindutva, Marathi Manoos cause at any cost. We won’t compromise on that,” he said