CPI sad over flood havoc in States, calls cadre to plunge into relief work

The Communist Party of India has expressed its deep concern over the crisis emerging from floods and heavy rains in the country.


The States of Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and some parts of the national capital are reeling under the impact of heavy rains and floods. Assam floods have been playing havoc in its 21 districts and 1.5 lakh people have been sheltered in relief camps, while 31 persons perished. In Bihar, 22 districts lay critical due to flood fury. In Purnea division alone, over three lakh people from four districts are in relief camps. The CPI demanded that the governments in the States and Centre organize relief on a large scale. The Centre must provide funds required at this critical juncture, it added.


Many people lost their lives in Uttarakhand floods. In Uttar Pradesh too, several districts are immensely affected by floods, taking many lives. The national capital region suffers also because of drainage blockages. There is no proper outlet for logging water. In the agrarian sector, the farmers are faced with the acute problems of cultivation that are haunting them. The State and Central governments must release funds to compensate for these losses and to help in the next crop. The CPI has call upon its units and activists to organize relief work in the flood affected areas, raise demand for adequate relief material, and to take active part in the relief work sponsored by the government. (NSS)