“Welcome to new India. Hope you will enjoy Yogi- Modi play”
This Dhruv Rathee video speculated the death certificate registration process in the next ten years of BJP Governance. All we will need is a ‘Cowdhaar ID Card Number’ for dumping a dead cow if we find any. In case you find a cow without Card Number you will need to register a “No objection Certificate” from a Local Gau rakshak leader which should be attested by your ‘Local Panchayat Leader’ . Once the process is completed one needs to call the help line number which will be working 24*7.
Finally, a small yet important formality needs to be completed wherein you need to register for a ‘Death Certificate’ and ‘Release Form’ which needs to be generated from your local Animal Welfare Unit.
Not to forget the last formality which will include you to pay a minimal fees of only 5k – 15k.
“Hope you will enjoy Yogi- Modi play”