The South Zone Police under supervision of DCP V. Satyanarayana conducted Cordon and Search operation under the limits of PS Kamatipura and within Kummarwadi, Ghazibanda, Misrigunj and Moinpura in early hours of Monday from 5 am.
Some 250 personnel and officers, including women force, participated in the operation. The Addl DCP South Zone, ACP Charminar and ACP Falaknuma personally monitored the operations. The tTaffic police were also involved in verification of antecedents of the seized vehicles. The police found 65 two-wheelers, six three-wheelers and one four- wheeler with no valid documents and seized them. Later, the traffic police of Bahadurpura found some 120 Challans pending against the seized vehicles.
Besides, some 10 rowdy-sheeters and 15 suspect-sheeters were taken into custody and given counseling to lead peaceful life and advised not to involve in any illegal activities. The police officials also warned them of rigorous action if they disturb peace and tranquility in the society.
One rowdy sheeter Mohd Ayub Khan was also taken into custody as he was a notorious gangster and involved many crimes. Earlier, he was detained for a year under PD Act. When he was released from jail three months back, the rowdy sheeter started illegal settlements and extortions. Recently he was arrested in a crime. He was released on conditional bail and asked to attend before PS Kamatipura on every Monday and Thrusday. (NSS)