Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao instructed the party legislators, including Ministers, MLAs and MLCs to be prepared with complete information and give no chance to the Opposition to corner the ruling party.
In the wake of budget session of the Assembly will be commencing from March 12 at 10 am with the address of Governor ESL Narasimhan for joint session, the Leader of the House asked the ministers and legislators to have complete information on key subjects and give no room to the Opposition parties to gain mileage. He instructed the officials to come up with required information during the session to explain to the members when situation demands. KCR also explained about the budgetary allocations and importance of agriculture, irrigation, welfare and other sectors that will get more funds.
This time these sectors are to get more allocations in the budget, he said and asked the ministers and officials concerned to give details of the development programs, welfare schemes, projects and others. He is said to have touched upon flagship mission agriculture investment of Rs 4,000 per acre, Irrigation Projects, Mission Bhagiratha, Mission Kakatiya, two bedroom housing and others. (NSS)