Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Thursday visited IDH Colony at New Boiguda in Secunderabad under the Assembly Constituency of minister T Srinivas Yadav where the State government was constructing double bedroom houses for the poor.
The Chief Minister expressed happiness over the way the houses were being constructed and directed the officials to complete the works by Telangana State formation day on June 2. Speaking on the occasion, he said he was keen on seeing the poor in the State make a respectful living with a permanent shelter. It is imperative to provide permanent shelter to the poor in the society and so the housing facility, he said, adding that the IDH Colony will remain a model to the nation for providing permanent shelter to the poor.
The Chief Minister said similar houses will be constructed to two lakh poor people living in Hyderabad. Taking cue from the Chief Minister, officials took up construction of 32 blocks at the colony, comprising 396 flats of two bedrooms with kitchen, hall two toilets in 580 sq yd in ground plus two module. They are being constructed at a cost of Rs 37 crore and each house costs Rs 7.9 lakhs and nearing completion.
Expressing content on the works and facilities like electricity, water supply, storm water and drain water lanes, KCR directed the officials to expedite the works with adequate goods storage capacity to enable him to inaugurate the houses on Telangana formation Day on June 2. The Government is bearing total expenses for providing permanent shelter to ensure they make a better living like any others in the State, KCR said.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav said the Chief Minister took the double bedroom houses project as a prestigious issue as part of the goal of Bangaru Telangana. He said the houses will be handed over to the poor by June 2 at IDH Colony at any cost.
Ministers T Harish Rao, Srinivas Yadav, Nayani Narsimha Reddy and A. Indrakaran Reddy, GHMC Commissioner Somesh Kumar and others were present. (NSS)