Clarification: GMR does not collect Rs. 15000 as UDF from Haj pilgrims

Hyderabad: Siasat have published a story saying GMR International Airport Authority has been charging Rs. 15060.38 as User Development Fees from the Haj pilgrims. However, we have received a clarification from GMR with correct facts as follows.

The User Development Fee (UDF) is approved by the Airports Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA), and is collected from all departing passengers from Hyderabad Airport – The current amount is Rs.1700 (plus GST) per international passenger and Rs.430/- (plus GST) per domestic passenger. There is no differential UDF charges that are levied or collected from any of the Haj Pilgrimage passengers- as alleged in our story article.

We regret about the story published before verifying the facts with GMR. We are taking down the story.

-Siasat News