After a six-hour questioning, YSRCP leader Bhoomana Karunakar Reddy was released on Tuesday evening with a raider that he should appear again before the CID probing into the violence during the Tuni Kapu Garjana, on Wednesday morning.
Bhoomana, who came out after the questioning at Guntur, said he would not be cowed down by the TDP’s terror tactics. He said he was not afraid of pressures and threats. “I have never known fear,” he said. He said the Government has already decided to victimize him and YS Jagan Mohan Reddy in the Tuni incident.
Meanwhile, while the questioning was going on, the police tried to send back waiting YSRCP leaders Chevireddy Bhaskar Reddy, Ambati Rambabu and Kannababu. An angry mob set Ratnachal Express train and Tuni rural police stations on fire during the Kaapu Garjana organised by Kapu leader Mudragada Padmanabham in Tuni of East Godavari district. CID had served notices on Karunakar asking him to come for questioning in the Tuni case on September 4, but Bhoomana said he would attend on September 6 and accordingly reached CID office in Guntur at 11.30 am.
CID ASP Harikrishna’s team has questioned Karunakar. Police are arguing that Karunakar had spoken to Padmanabham before the violence took place. After the incident, AP Home Minister Nimmakayala Chinarajappa alleged that Karunakar Reddy was behind the incident. (NSS)