Hyderabad: In the ongoing drive against the repeated offenders who were cheating the innocent job aspirants in the guise of providing placements in foreign countries in Hotels, the Commissioner of Police, Rachakonda has detained a couple, namely T Sudheesh Kumar and Smt T Divya, who hailed from Kerala State, and lodged them in Central Prison, Cherlapally and Special Prison for women, Chanchalguda respectively.
A police press note said the couple came to Hyderabad in 1988 and residing at Shapurnagar, Jeedimetla, Ranga Reddy Dist under the limits of Cyberabad and accused Sudheesh started working in a Printing Press at Shapurnagar. Three years ago, they came in contact with one of their relatives namely Manikandan. Since, he was already dealing in consultancy services, the trio hatched a plan to dupe the un-employed youth in the guise of providing them jobs and Visas to make easy money. They have induced nearly 30 innocent youth/job aspirants and made them believe that they will provide jobs in Hotels in Singapore at high Salaries and collected Rs 40-50 Lakhs of their hard earned money and cheated them by sending fake and forged offer letters.
The investigating Officers have collected fake job Offer letters, VISA copies which they sent to the victims as proof of evidence and the evidence clearly established their involvement in the fraud. The Neredmet Police have arrested the couple on June 14, and remanded them to judicial custody and enlarged on bail. Subsequently, the Hayathnagar Police arrested them on July 5 and remanded them to judicial custody. Their arrest in remaining cases has been regularized through PT warrants.
The prime accused in this fraud namely Manikandan @ Manikandan Menon @ Mani Nair is found absconding and a efforts are on foot forth to apprehend him.
With a view to preventing them from committing such offences, Preventive Detention orders are invoked against them by the Commissioner of Police, Rachakonda Mahesh M. Bhagwat, today and detained them in Central prison, Cherlapally and Special Prison for Women, Chanchalguda respectively.(NSS)