Union Minister Bandaru Dattatreya has said the Centre sanctioned Rs 125 crore to Mission Kakathiya for repairs, restoration and renovation of tanks under the scheme. He said Niti Ayog recommended to Union Finance Ministry to allot Rs 19,205 crore for the ongoing Mission Bhagiratha scheme.
Speaking to the media here on Saturday, the Minister expressed happiness over passing amended Child Labor Act in Rajya Sabha and said the new Act will prohibit children totally working from in hazardous industries. Dattatreya said the new Act gave a new definition to adolescents i.e. 14 to 18 years. He said the punishment and fine will be severe in case anyone violated the new norms.
Dattatraya said the children were allowed to extend help to father, mother, brother and sister and persons other than family members will be punished severely in case they hired them. The Union Minister exuded confidence that Maternity Benefit Act and Workmen Compensation Act will be passed smoothly in Parliament. (NSS)