Panchayat Raj Minister Jupally Krishna Rao today said that the Centre released Rs 2062 cr funds for employment guarantee scheme giving work and wages to the people for various developmental works. He directed the officials to prepare an action plan for taking up Rs 10 cr worth in three months.
Krishna Rao conducted a video conference and instructed the officials concerned to speed up the works as the Centre released funds for several development programs. The funds released by the Centre include Rs 1122 cr salary amount and Rs 940 cr material component amount. Efforts made by him fructified with the Centre giving funds for the employment guarantee programs he said. The minister appealed to the centre through writing letters frequently for the funds and more number of working days. Krishna Rao further asked the officials to involve in the continuous programs to provide everyday work to the coolies under employment scheme. The officials should take steps to set up nurseries in every village in the districts as part of Haritha Haram program. (NSS)