CAT chides ICAR for harassing principal scientist

New Delhi, January 31: A principal scientist’s harassment at the hands of ICAR has ended with the Central Administrative Tribunal coming to his rescue, saying the procedure adopted against him during the departmental inquiry appeared to be “wholly illegal”.

“There was no reason for the ICAR to have made an inquiry against the scientist for the same charges already a subject matter of the inquiry.

“No doubt, the ICAR could proceed against him with regard to fresh charges but combination of fresh with old charges makes the procedure illegal,” the tribunal of Chairman Justice V K Bali and Member R C Panda, said.

The CAT passed the order on a plea of 58-year-old S S Tomar, the principal scientist working with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), seeking to restrain it from proceeding with the order of punishment of stoppage of three increments.