Amidst escalating tension between both sides, the Border Security Force (BSF) and Pakistan Rangers will hold Director General-level talks in Islamabad next week. The decision comes in the backdrop of India and Pakistan trading barbs over the ongoing unrest in the valley after the encounter of slain militant Burhan Wani. At least 46 people and one policeman died in the unrest.
Pakistan on the one hand has accused India of using excessive force in Kashmir and even marked ‘black day’ over the unrest. India, on the other hand, has repeatedly asked Pakistan not to meddle in its internal affairs. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj yesterday took a strong exception to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s remark about Kashmir becoming his country’s Pakistan. “The whole of India would like to tell Prime Minister of Pakistan that this dream will not be realised even at the end of eternity.
The whole of Jammu and Kashmir belongs to India. You will never be able to make this heaven on earth a haven for terrorists,” she said. Pakistan has been maintaining Jammu and Kashmir as a disputed territory citing United Nations Security Council resolutions. They have been pressing for a free, fair and impartial plebiscite to ascertain the will of Jammu and Kashmir people.