City Police Commissioner M. Mahender Reddy said that the department was proud of Bheem Rao, Police Constable of Humayunnagar Police Station, who exhibited bravery and presence of mind in saving the lives of about 50 residents in a fire accident that occurred on Monday at Osman Plaza Apartment under Humayunnagar PS limits. Risking his own life, Bheem Rao did everything possible under his control to mobilize community support and evacuate all the residents well within time before the fire could cause loss of life.
The Police Commissioner, along with the residents of the apartments and the local community members honored Bheem Rao on Tuesday at the venue of the fire accident. It is heartening to note that the members of the local community were all praise for his life risking and adventurous act in evacuating all residents while fire was in progress.
In recognition of his brave conduct, Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad gave a cash reward of Rs.10,000/- in addition to Certificate of Recognition issued by the President of the Local Resident Welfare Association.
The Police Commissioner further informed that Bheem Rao would be recommended for the award of the Prime Minister’s Life Saving Medal for the outstanding contribution made by him in this regard.
Mahender Reddy further noted that any such instance of recognition of good work done by the Police, small or big, by the members of the local communities would go a long way in motivating the 15,000 strong Police Force of Hyderabad City to rededicate themselves in enhancing the public safety and security in Hyderabad City. He also complimented the media for highlighting the act of bravery exhibited by Bheem Rao. (INN)