Hyderabad: In a bid to gain an upper hand in an unequal political battle, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers in Karimnagar were allegedly found employing a school-going student to post abusive comments online against chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS)-led government.
Karimnagar police found a class 7 student involved in posting false and abusive content against the chief minister on social media at the behest of BJP, Telangana Today reported. The boy operated nine emails, 33 Instagram accounts and 15 Facebook accounts, the report noted.
Based on a case booked against unidentified persons last month, the cybercrime sleuths tracked down the 9-year-old by tracing the IP address of the accounts. The boy believed to be aged between 13 to 14 years.
When the suspect turned out to be a minor boy, the police were shocked. Upon further investigation, the child confessed that he was instigated to create, upload and circulate the content in 56 fake accounts, purportedly shared by the local BJP workers. The boy was also lured by possibilities of huge money on social media platforms for the views to his posts.
The parents of the child were unaware of his activities until the police landed at their house and checked his social media accounts. Considering the age of the child, the police handed over a notice to his parents and sought their explanation.
It may be noted that the the Karimnagar Lok Sabha seat is represented by BJP state president Bandi Sanjay Kumar, who is notorious for his controversial and anti-Muslim speeches. During last year Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) polls, Sanjay had said that his party would do a “surgical strike” in the Old City.