New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday moved the Election Commission seeking an inquiry into “large-scale deletion” of names of eligible voters from electoral rolls for the ongoing polls to the Uttar Pradesh assembly.
A BJP delegation led by Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi submitted a memorandum to the Election Commission contending that large-scale deletion of names of genuine voters was a clear violation of the constitutional guarantees to citizens.
The party claimed that it has received complaints from almost every assembly constituency in the state about voters’ names having been deleted from the lists without any prior information.
“The commission may institute an inquiry into such state-wide and unathorised deletion of valid voters from the electoral rolls, fix responsibility and institute prosecution of officials responsible,” the party said in the memorandum.
It also urged the EC to ensure that all Electors Photo Identity Card holders are allowed to vote in the remaining two phases of the assembly polls.