New Delhi: In the run-up to the Delhi assembly elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has decided to rope in the star power of mainstream and regional film, folk artists and singers to garner more votes. Among the most sought after of these stars are Bollywood actor Sunny Deol, Haryanvi celebrity Sapna Chaudhary, singer Dinesh Lal Nirahua, Bhojpuri artist Ravi Kishen and Khesari Lal Yadav.
Sources stated that a majority of BJP candidates have demanded roadshows and meetings of these stars in their respective constituencies. It is understood that apart from senior leaders, these starlets would be roped in to connect with the voters of the national capital.
“We are thronged with the demand for Bhojpuri stars like Yadav, Ravi Kishen, and Nirahua. The most requests we have got is of Nirahua. The second most demanded celebrity is Sunny Deol,” stated a senior BJP leader.
The party feels that these stars have their unique appeal among the voters and are expected to further help the BJP in taking on the might of the Aam Aadmi Party. While Sunny Deol is expected to hold roadshows and meetings in various constituencies dominated by the Punjabi and Sikh communities, the stars like Nirahua and Rablvu Kishan are expected to target various unauthorised colonies dominated by population hailing from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. While Sapna Chaudhary is expected to tour assembly segments in outer and west Delhi areas bordering Haryana.
BJP sources pointed out that the wide selection of these stars representing various languages and regions also showed the appeal of the party cutting across the states of the country.
Delhi is scheduled to go for assembly polls on February 8 and the results for the 70 constituencies will be declared on February 11.