Lakshmi Parvati, wife of late NT Rama Rao today said that some people are creating problems in awarding” Bharat Ratna” to the former Chief Minister and legendry politician NTR.
She visited NTR ghat and paid tributes on the occasion of 22nd vardhanti of NTR. Parvati said even sons of NTR do not have much information about NTR and they do not know developments in his life. After becoming adolescents NTR son’s have married and started living their life as they wanted.
She said the legendary leader used to share his feelings with her. If actor cum politician Balakrishna contacts her, she is ready to share all the information abut NTR.
Without taking any names, Parvati said some people are trying to create hurdles in awarding Bharat Ratna to late NTR.
Earlier, Balakrishna also visited the ghat and paid floral tributes to his father NTR.(NSS)