Chief Secretary SP Singh today directed the officials of all departments to make fool-proof arrangements for forthcoming World Telugu Conference in the state. At a review meeting at Secretariat along with Government Advisor KV Ramana Chary and officials, SP Singh instructed to prepare action plans for inviting guests, VIPs and others with better accommodation, transport and facilities. Better arrangements should be in place as per plan for the event to be conducted from Dec 15 to 19. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao already held a review meeting on the same and officials should coordinate for the same as per his guidance and vision, he said.
Appoint special volunteers and make success the program with effective coordination, he asked the officials. He asked GAD principal secretary Adhar Sinha to prepare a plan to involve IAS, IPS, IFS, HODs and University Vice Chancellors who should attend the inaugural and valedictory functions through a plan
Take steps to invite President Ramnath Kovind, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, Telugu speaking leaders of states, VIPs, writers, poets and others from states and nations will be invited. They must be provided with accommodation, transportation on behalf of the government, he said. Since a prominent Telugu people, VIPs, literary personalities, poets, writers and intellectuals will attend the world event, better facilities should be made, he said. Singh also said that transportation, accommodation, roads, traffic, stages at various places, sanitation, power supply, drinking water and other facilities in place.
Entire city should be decorated with lights and hoardings inviting the guest, VIPs and delegates to the World Telugu Conference. A special arch should be put up at the main venue point of LB Stadium, 100 welcome hoardings at main places like Airports, Bus stations, Railway stations, and public places and cross roads. He also said that officials can create curiosity among the people through publicity that should be started with 100 balloons, advertisements through television channels, newspapers, voice messages through cell phones and other form of publicity.
He also said that hoardings should be put up at Metro Cities such as Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai and Mumbai and security measures through police wing for the event. Regular meetings with experts and related personalities on the world conference and a control room to monitor the programs, he said.
He asked the officials to make special arrangement of a stage at LB Stadium, book stalls, food court, handicrafts stall, drinking water facility and others. (NSS)