BCs Commission under threat from BCs – No hope of presentation of 12% reservation bill in Assembly

Hyderabad: On account of the changing attitude of the Govt. of Telangana, BCs Commission is in a fix. Earlier, Govt. of Telangana had issued instructions to BCs Commission to submit its report during the current session of the Assembly so that Govt. could decide on the issue of 12% reservation for Muslims. Now that there are only two days left for the Assembly session Govt. have not allotted any time for the BCs Commissions to present its report. It has resulted in a state of confusion for BCs Commission.

Govt. of Telangana wanted BCs Commission to finalize its report without visiting the districts. BCs Commission had finalized its strategy to visit Tamil Nadu to explore the possibilities of providing reservations to Muslims on the lines of Tamil Nadu Govt. but in view of instructions from the Govt., BCs Commission cancelled its trip to Tamil Nadu.

It seems that Govt. of Telangana is not interested in getting the report from BCs Commission since it has changed its mind to present this bill in the budget session of the Assembly. Sources close to Govt. indicated that the Govt. has bowed down to the pressure of BCs and the decision to the bill in the current session of the Assembly has been deferred. It is reported that BCs have threatened the Govt., to launch statewide agitation in case the percentage of reservations is increased in respect of Muslims.

BCs demand that reservations could be given to Muslims with disturbing the reservation quota for BCs. Govt. had decided to enhance reservation to Muslims from 4% to 12% and from 6% to 12% for STs. This requires enactment. If Govt. takes initiative to enhance reservation to Muslims and STs, it may have to face the wrath of SCs and STs simultaneously which may harm the chances of winning elections for TRS next time.

–Siasat News