Hyderabad: In a unique turn of events, Congress workers in Andhra Pradesh held a protest against Twitter by frying what they called a “Twitter bird”. The workers, led by GV Sri Raj, the son of former Member of Parliament Harsha Kumar, decided to protest against Twitter for blocking Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s account.
A video of Sri Raj, along with other Congress workers, surfaced on social media in which they can be seen frying the “Twitter bird”. As they were doing so, Sri Raj explained the reason for the same by criticizing Twitter for censoring the voices of Congress leaders.
The workers also raised slogans like “BJP down down” and “Congress party zindabad” as the “Twitter bird” continued to fry. Sri Raj, then carefully packaged the food item in a yellow tiffin box and stated that they are going to send the dish to Twitter India’s headquarters.
“You Twitter, you have done a mistake by blocking Rahul Gandhi’s Twitter account and not promoting our tweets,” says Sri Raj as they fry the “Twitter bird”. “So we are frying this and sending it to Twitter headquarters in Gurgaon and Delhi,” he added.
Twitter had suspended Rahul Gandhi’s account stated stating that he violated rules by posting the picture of the family members of the nine-year-old Dalit rape and murder victim.
However, Rahul Gandhi and other Congress leaders have claimed that this was just an excuse and in reality, Twitter was playing partisan politics and siding with the ruling BJP-government.
“By shutting down my Twitter they are interfering in our political process. A company is making its business to define our politics. And as a politician I don’t like that. This is an attack on the democratic structure of the country. This is not an attack on Rahul Gandhi,” Rahul Gandhi said in a video statement issued earlier.