Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh N Chandrababu Naidu laid foundation stone of Urdu University in Orvakal mandal, 20 kilometres from Kurnool. Deputy Prime Minister E Krishna Murty, Minority Welfare Minister Palle Raghunath Reddy and other ministers were present on the occasion. Addressing the public meeting Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu said, minorities’ welfare and prosperity is my goal and I will fulfill all the promises made to minorities. I will try my best to promote minorities in educational field. Foundation laying of Urdu University is also part of the objective to promote Muslims and Urdu language.
He informed that the Urdu University will be constructed on 125 acre land. Rs. 150 Cr. have been sanctioned for the construction of university. It has been decided to name the Urdu University after Dr. Abdul Haq in recognition to his achievements made in order to link Muslims with education in Rayalseema region.
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