The Narasaraopet police on Monday arrested YSRCP local MLA Dr Gopireddy Srinivasa Reddy for staging a dharna in support of agitating farmers, who were losing their lands due to road construction works in Narsaraopet.
The farmers, who were agitating against the construction of roads on the assigned lands belonging to them in Ramireddipalem under Rompicharla mandal, sought the MLA’s support. The MLA, along with his supporters rushed to the spot and obstructed the road works. With this, Mandal Revenue Officer Rajarathnam lodged a complaint with the police against Dr Gopireddy Srinivasa Reddy alleging that the MLA and his supporters were preventing them from discharging their legitimate duties. Conseauently, the police registered a non-bailable case against the MLA for obstructing a government servant from discharging his duty.
Protesting against the case, the MLA staged a dharna in front of the Narsaraopet police station and the police arrested him. A large number of party workers and MLA’s supporters gathered at the police station to protest against the arrest. Tense situation prevailed in Narsaraopet town. (NSS)