Following her husband and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav’s footsteps, Dimple Yadav has made public her assets by uploading details on the state’s official web site.
According to the declaration made on the website last night, Dimple has assets worth around Rs238.38 lakh.
She has two houses worth around Rs81.39 lakh in Lucknow.
She also has jewellery worth around Rs59.76 lakh and Rs81.67 lakh as cash and bank deposits in the form of FDRs.
She has invested Rs15.56 lakh in life insurances.
Dimple has also a loan of over Rs22 lakh, which she has taken from her husband.
Two days ago, Akhilesh had set a precedent by declaring his assets worth over Rs4.83 crore on the state government’s website.