Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) on Friday informed that in the first phase, as many as 7,506 candidates selected for the posts of SCT PCs – Civil/AR/SAR CPL & TSSP are being deputed for training.
The cases of remaining candidates are under process and the eligible candidates will be sent for training in the next few weeks, the Board said in a press release. The candidates, who are also provisionally selected as SCTPCs and are fit medically and are clear from antecedents’ verification point of view have been informed that they would be sent for training in the second batch after a few weeks. Further, those candidates, who are being given show cause notices, their cases will be considered and if they are fit in all respects, they will be sent for training in second batch in the next few weeks. Candidates have been advised not to come to Board’s office for the above purpose. (INN)