NEW DELHI: The Uttar Pradesh police on Friday said that they has booked five men under the IT Act for allegedly using inappropriate language against Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).
According to reports, a man named Gaurav Gupta lodged an FIR Thursday in Bahraich against Rana Sultan Javed, Zeeshan, Haroon Khan, Shafiq and King Khan for writing and sharing the derogatory posts against the Chief Minister on Facebook on Wednesday, Additional SP Ajay Pratap Singh told the media.
The local residents held a protest and demanded the police to lodge an FIR after the five who had allegedly posted the derogatory comments on Wednesday.
“Member of Lar Nagar Panchayat Birbal Yadav had posted an objectionable picture on Twitter yesterday. It was shared by other people on various social media platforms,” Deoria district co-ordinator of HYV Neeraj Shahi had told media. “After getting the complaint, a case has been registered under IT Act,” SHO Lar, Vijay Narayan Prasad said.