Hyderabad: Urdu examinations of Urdu Dani, Urdu Zaban Dani and Insha were held under the auspices of Abid Ali Khan Educational Trust in which 32567 candidates wrote the exam. The candidates were from Hyderabad, Secunderabad, TS, AP, Karnataka and Maharashtra States.
The peculiarity of these exams was non-Muslim men and women also wrote the exam. Dr. Bhavani Shanker, Asst. Professor of Sociology, Nizam College, Mr. P. Narendra, Staff reporter of DC, Dr. Kota Cheruvu, Dr. Nagender, Asst. Professors of Urdu University also took the test. Dr. Mohammed Abdul Aleem, Asst. Professor also wrote the exam for gaining proficiency in Urdu.
Mr. Zahid Ali Khan, Mr. Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, Justice Ismail, Dr. Moin Ansari (US), Mr. Iftekhar Husain and others inspected the exam centers.
–Siasat News