New Delhi: Home-grown restaurant search and delivery platform Zomato on Friday introduced the “Infinity Dining” plan for its “Gold” subscribers that allows them to have unlimited a la carte at partner restaurants.
“For the same price that users would spend on a typical two-course meal, they can now order anything and everything you want from the entire menu (yes, the entire menu!) with unlimited servings of their favourite dishes,” Gaurav Gupta, Chief Operating Officer & Co-founder, Zomato, wrote in a blog post.
The plan has been introduced in partnership with 350 restaurants – with at least a 3.5 rating — in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru.
While dining infinitely at bars, they get access to an open bar at a fixed price, Zomato said.
“Dining out constitutes about 70 per cent of a restaurant’s total business,” Gupta said.
“While Zomato Gold continues to be instrumental in driving sales for restaurants and adding value to subscribers, we realise that the opportunities in this sphere are endless – welcome, Infinity Dining. It is a global first, as India becomes the first country to offer such a choice, at scale,” Gupta added.
Zomato said its Gold subscription programme has grown almost 100 per cent in the past eight months and now has over 1.25 million subscribers across nine countries- India, UAE, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Turkey, Philippines and Indonesia.