New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan has a birthday surprised lined-up for his fans and it’s the best thing ever! The much-awaited trailer of Shah Rukh Khan’s December release Zero will be unveiled on the superstar’s birthday in a big fat event. On Friday, the trailer of Zero will be released at the IMAX in Mumbai’s Wadala, tweeted trade analyst Taran Adarsh. “Shah Rukh Khan and Aanand L Rai will launch Zero trailer at IMAX Wadala [Mumbai] on SRK’s birthday [2 Nov],” he tweeted. In his tweet, Mr Adarsh added that the makers are recreating a Meerut like-setting as part of the film is set in the city: “The makers are recreating Meerut at the venue, since a portion of the film is filmed in Meerut,” he tweeted.
More on #Zero… SRK and Aanand L Rai will launch #ZeroTrailer at IMAX Wadala [Mumbai] on SRK's birthday [2 Nov]… The makers are recreating Meerut at the venue, since a portion of the film is filmed in Meerut.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) October 31, 2018
Meanwhile, some industry insiders have already enjoyed a special screening of the Zero trailer, which includes Taran Adarsh, who tweeted a review of it: “Watched Zero trailer [3.13 minutes]… Get ready to be surprised big time… SRK, Anushka, Katrina – the characters will catch you unawares… Aanand L Rai is synonymous with emotional films and there’s a strong undercurrent of emotions on display here,” he wrote.
I just feel like thanking all of u making this journey to Mumbai to wish me & be with me on my B’Day. Please be safe & Love u all.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 31, 2018