Mumbai: Kangana Ranaut’s sister, Rangoli Chandel hailed Dangal Actress, Zaira Wasim for her fight to get justice. Chandel tweeted, “Vry proud f Zaira who went through so much hassle to fight the case also the trauma f being subjected to teasing scrutiny & above all prejudices all victims face…bt hats off to her at such a tender age she hs lots f fire in her #Bharatkibeti #NewIndia”.
It may be mentioned that Mumbai Special Court found Vikas Sachdeva guilty of molesting the actress in a Delhi-Mumbai flight in December 2017. The court sent him to jail for three years.
Zaira shared horrible experience
It may be mentioned that the actress had shared her horrible experience on her Air Vistara Delhi to Mumbai flight in her Instagram Live video.
She is heard saying, “This is not done, I am disturbed”. She added, “Is this how you’re going to take care of girls?”. Later the man was booked under relevant section of the POCSO Act and Indian Penal Code.