Zafarul-Islam Khan seeks financial assistance for Shibli Academy

Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, well-known writer and Director of Shibli Academy, has made the following the appeal for financial support to the Academy which is located in Azamgarh, UP. Dr Khan is also the former chairman of Delhi Minority Commission.

“I hope most of you, if not all, are aware about Darul Musannefin/Shibli Academy of Azamgarh. It is a great research institution established by Allama Shibli Nomani back in 1915. During this long period, this institution has done tremendous research and publications work, especially about Islamic and the Indian medieval history. It has published during this period over 270 books in Urdu, many of which are multi-volume. Many of these titles have been translated into Indian and foreign languages. The institution also publishes Urdu’s most prestigious monthly journal, Ma’arif, without interruption since 1916. It was considered by the great Islamic scholar, Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, as the best journal in the Muslim world.

“The academy is based on a sprawling campus housing a great library with over 100,000 books and rare manuscripts, a mosque, a printing press, rooms for scholars, living quarters for the staff and a guest house, etc.

“The academy fell on bad times when grants received from princely states stopped after Independence in 1947. The institution has ever since faced financial crisis. At present, it is once again facing financial crunch.
“It is my earnest request to all who realise the importance of this institution and appreciate its work to come forward and commit to pay a monthly contribution of at least Rs. 2000 per person (US 100 for those living abroad) for the next three years at least. We will try to sort out our problems through other means within this period, especially by instituting a suitable corpus fund whose revenue will suffice the basic recurring expenses of the Academy. If this is achieved, the academy will be able to progress and add new avenues of research and publications as well as publishing its work in other languages.

“It is my earnest request to all well-wishers to come forward and help this historical institution to stand on its feet. Well-wishers holding non-Indian passports may kindly send their contributions to the Academy’s FCRA account below. For further information, please visit the academy’s website: or write to me. Following is the a/c No. of the academy for Indian well-wishers: A/c name: Darul Musannefin Shibli Academy, Azamgarh. A/c No: 0504010100032752. Bank: Punjab National Bank. Branch: Heerpatti, Azmagarh. IFSC:  PUNB 0476100. Bank Code: 476100.

“Account name: Darul Musannefin Shibli Academy. Account No:  40566967442 (FCRA Current Account). Bank: STATE BANK OF INDIA, New Delhi Main Branch, 11 Sansad Marg,  New Delhi 110 001, India. Branch code: 00691. IFSC: SBIN0000691. Swift: SBININBB104. Bank email:

“Darul Musannefin Shibli Academy is located at Shibli Road, Azamgarh, U.P., 276001, India.”