YSR Congress party spokesperson Jupadi Prabhakar Rao on Thursday said that the party would challenge the decision of Andhra Pradesh High Court dismissing the PIL against disproportionate assets against TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu in the Supreme Court.
Talking to reporters at Assembly’s media point, Prabhakar Rao said that the party was not satisfied with the High Court’s judgment and would challenge the same in the Supreme Court. He said that the YSR Congress would expose Naidu’s corruption among public besides continuing the legal battle.
Allagadda MLA Shobha Nagi Reddy said that the High Court’s verdict should be viewed as ‘clean chit’ to Naidu on the charges of corruption. She said that the High Court has dismissed the PIL and never remarked that Naidu was not corrupt.
MLA Srikanth Reddy said that although the court’s verdict was unfortunate, the party accepts it. However, the party would discuss and decide the future course of action in this regard.