San Francisco: TikTok competitor YouTube Shorts has allowed creators to use video clips from billions of videos from YouTube platform, albeit with some rules.
The new feature is an extension of existing “remix” tool that allowed creators to sample audio from other videos into their own YouTube Shorts posts.
“Create your own short videos using our Shorts creation tools to mix in music from our Audio Library or use original audio from videos across YouTube,” the company said in an update.
The YouTube Shorts feature is similar to popular TikTok tool ‘Stitch’.
“Shorts you make with sampled audio are attributed back to the source creator’s original video,” it added.
The company said that music videos with copyrighted content from YouTube’s music partners are not eligible to be remixed.
“If you upload a short video you’ve created elsewhere, make sure that any copyright-protected material you’ve used is approved for your use on YouTube.
Using copyright-protected material could lead to you getting a Content ID claim,” the company suggested.
The new update will allow creators to clip 1- to 5-second segments from long-form videos and Shorts to use in new short-form content.
“Shorts are automatically opted in to sampling on YouTube, and you can’t opt them out. For the existing long-form videos on your channel, you can limit audio sampling in YouTube Studio,” the company added.
The streaming platform also said that YouTube Shorts is now accessible via web and tablet.