Youths advised to refrain from celebrating April Fool

The blind following of the West has landed us in making fun of others and fooling them in the name of April Fool. It is a unislamic act. It is the tradition of the nations which have gone astray from the teachings of their religions. In fact it is a ridiculous act which the Christ. It is not appropriate for any Muslim to ridicule Christ. This act is attributed to the Jews and the Romans. We have to follow the teachings of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) who had said that anyone who adopts the traditions of any other religion is not from among us. In another tradition of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) it has been mentioned that they should not follow any act which resembles the Jews. It is therefore obligatory on our part to advise our children to refrain from celebrating April Fool. We should discourage such activities. These thoughts were expressed by Maulana Abdul Fathah of Jamia Darul Huda, Hyderabad.

–Siasat News