Young Winston Churchill lost his heart to a charming lady when he stayed in Hyderabad

Sir Winston Churchill, the flamboyant former Prime Minister of the UK was a tough talking and formidable man. Often seen with a cigar in his mouth, his famous scowl and his fiery oratory skills won him the hearts of many Britons. But on one occasion he gave away his own heart and lost it forever. And it happened in Hyderabad.

According to an article published in The Hindu a few years ago, when Churchill was a young army officer, he was posted in Hyderabad towards the end of 1896. He had arrived in Bombay in early 1896 as a Major of the Queen’s Own Hussars Regiment, after having joined the British army only the previous year. Later he stayed in Hyderabad for more than a year.

During his stay in Hyderabad, Churchill often took trips around the city for sightseeing. He also took part in various activities around the twin cities. On one occasion he met a young woman named Pamela Plowden and lost his heart to her charms. In his case it was love at first sight.

Pamela was none other than the daughter of the British Resident of Hyderabad whose name was Sir Trevor John Plowden. He was a member of the Indian Civil Service (ICS) and was posted in Hyderabad from 1891 to 1900. Churchill first met Pamela during a polo match in Secunderabad and reportedly bragged to her that he was a better player than most of the other officers present there.

Elephant ride to impress Pamela

One day he took Pamela out for an elephant ride around Hyderabad. By doing so, not only did Churchill want to impress his lady love but he also wanted to ensure that the local people did not spit paan on them by mistake or on purpose. “The residents of Hyderabad were always chewing paan and would spit the juice anywhere without hesitation,” Churchill wrote on one occasion.

After several months, Churchill had to leave Hyderabad. But he continued to write letters to Pamela. According to The Madras Courier, in one letter he wrote: “I have lived all my life seeing the most beautiful women that London produces. But never have I seen one for whom I would forego the business of life. Then I met you. Were I a dreamer of dreams, I would say – Marry me, I will conquer the world and lay it at your feet.”

Sad end to the love story

But eventually Churchill’s efforts to marry Pamela did not materialize. One of the reasons could have been that he was not a rich man. He was only a junior officer and the girl’s family was not keen on the match. Little did they know that one day he would become the Prime Minister of the UK.

Churchill’s daughter Lady Mary Soames, later wrote that his first great love was Pamela Plowden. Although he proposed marriage to her, she did not accept. But Churchill’s friendship with Pamela continued for the rest of his life. Pamela eventually married the Earl of Lytton and Churchill married Clementine Hozier in 1908.

Churchill made no secret of the fact that he detested India. But surely, where Hyderabad was concerned, he must have harboured some pleasant memories of the city till his last days.