Lucknow, Dec 10 : The Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh is planning to introduce new laws regarding the tenancy, to protect the interests of the tenant along with those of the landlord.
Once the proposed laws are introduced, the disputes between landlords and tenants will end to a large extent, and it would also help the government to ascertain the number of people giving houses on rent in the state.
According to the government spokesman, the Housing Department has issued a draft of the Uttar Pradesh Urban Complexes Renting Regulations Ordinance-2020. It has also sought suggestions from the public for a new tenancy law. Suggestions can be given till December 20 on the Awas Bandhu website.
“The law has been drafted under the supervision of Yogi Adityanath and has received in-principle approval. With the implementation of the tenancy law, the government will also constitute a rent authority in the state.” the spokesman said.
According to the officials of the housing department, the most important condition of increasing the annual rent has been included in the draft.
Under the existing agreement, the owner increases 10 per cent rent every year, but after the new law comes into force, five per cent annual rent will be increased on residential properties and seven per cent on the non-residential properties.
In the new law, it will be mandatory for the tenant to take care of the living place. The tenant will be responsible for the breakdown in the rented property. There will also be a provision in the law that if the tenant is unable to pay the rent for two months, the landlord can remove him.
After the enactment of the new law, no landlord will be able to keep tenants without agreement in Uttar Pradesh.
Also, the landlord will have to inform the details of the tenant to the rent authority.
Under the new law, landlords will have to give a written contract letter to the renting authority within three months in relation to the tenancy. The motive behind this is security.
Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated from IANS service.