Mumbai: The Shiv Sena today lashed out at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath over the recent Bulandhshahr violence saying he is busy in renaming cities while riots continue to disturb the state.
The opposition party in their editorial ‘Saamana’ said the leaders in power should only focus on fulfilling their responsibilities like the Soldiers and policemen who do not have any religion but perform their duties.
The Shiva Sena said, “Riots are taking place during Yogi’s rule. A policeman lost his life in the violence over cow meat. Soldiers and police officials do not have any religion. Similarly, those in power should only follow their responsibilities.”
The Shiv Sena also criticized Yogi for his remarks on renaming Hyderabad if BJP comes to power in Telangana state.
“The question before him (Adityanath) relates to history, while he is giving answers related to geography. The question is not when Hyderabad will become Bhagyanagar but when will the Ram temple be constructed,” the Sena publication said.
“If the BJP is inclined towards wiping out legacies of Nizams and Babar (Mughal king), when will Aurangabad and Osmanabad in Maharashtra be renamed as Sambhaji Nagar and Dharashiv, respectively?” the publication asked.