Hyderabad: BJP leader, Swami Paripoornananda alleged that the grand alliance led by Congress is working against the majority community. Swami also said that BJP is the only party which can protect the rights of majority and minority communities.
He also said that the parties which had worked earlier with MIM are now the part of grand alliance. He further mentioned that TRS has also worked against the interests of the majority community. The grand alliance is indulging in appeasement and vote bank politics.
He stressed that there is a need for the majority community to cast their votes in favour of the party which can protect their rights. He clarified that protection of the rights of the majority community does not mean neglecting the rights of the minority communities.
It may be mentioned that earlier, Swami Paripoornananda, a seer from Sree Peetham in Andhra Pradesh had joined BJP in the presence of its National President Amit Shah. He is seen as the “Yogi Adityanath of South India”.
According to the report published in The Week, Paripoornananda was born in Kerala. He spent his childhood in Nellore. Later, he became “Sanyasi”. In Kakinada of Andhra Pradesh, he established an ashram. He is also a founder of Sree Peetham, a spiritual organization and Hindu Rashtriya Sena. He is a strong supporter of cow protection.
In July, Swami Paripoornananda was externed from Hyderabad for six months for allegedly making provocative statements against other communities. The Hyderabad High Court suspended the ban in August.
[source_without_link]Siasat News[/source_without_link]