Yogi Adityanath, the Uttar Pradesh chief minister urged saints expressing their feeling of annoyance at the Supreme Court’s decision to defer the Ram Janmabhoomi case till January 2019 to keep “calm”, he said, “Timely justice is the best one and justice delayed, at times, means injustice.”
He said he was of the opinion that the issue should be resolved at the earliest. On the demand that the Centre bring a legislation to allow construction of the Ram temple, he said there are “other options”, and the best step should be considered.
Talking to the reporters at his official residence, he said he was in favour of an early resolution to the case before the Lok Sabha polls next year. “Ram Janmbhoomi is in UP and hence law and order and security are our responsibilities and we would discharge our duties well.”
He further added that “ All peace-loving people anxious of an end to the age-old dispute are hoping for a quick solution and such public sentiment needs to be respected. Our government counsel too had made a similar prayer before the Supreme Court.”
“I think all those solutions that lead to peace and amity are good solutions. Best would be if a solution is found through consensus but there are other options too after that. I think the best possible solution would be adopted.”
Sharada Sharma VHP’s Ayodhya-based spokesman said a delegation of saints in Ayodhya plan to meet Adityanath and seek an appointment with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the CM’s appeal to the saints is being viewed as an attempt to keep the saints in good humour ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. “Yes, the saints are angry and their patience is running thin. We will definitely seek an audience with BJP leadership.”