Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa on Tuesday said a central team was visiting the flood-hit areas to assess the damage, and that he will also be going to New Delhi to seek more relief from the Centre.
With Yediyurappa’s Delhi visit plans, speculations are rife in party circles that he might get a green signal from the BJP high command for the much-awaited cabinet expansion or reshuffle.
“In three teams, the central team is visiting flood affected areas, our officials are also with them, after doing the survey, they will meet the Chief Secretary,” Yediyurappa said.
Speaking to reporters here, he said last evening he had detailed discussion with the central team members on the destruction caused by floods in the last three successive years and have given a memorandum to the Centre through them.
“Looking at the report they submit to the union government, I will go to Delhi and try to get more relief,” he said, adding he has yet to decide on the travel dates.