When Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s tweets defending Yakub Memon, the death row convict of 1993 Mumbai blasts case, drawing severe flak from different quarters, BJP here demanded cancellation of the actor’s bail in the 2002 hit-and-run case.Mumbai BJP president Ashish Shelar today met Maharashtra Governor Ch Vidyasagar Rao and submitted a letter requesting cancellation of bail granted to Salman by the Bombay High Court.
Must teach lesson to those who stand with enemies of humanity: Baba Ramdev Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev on Sunday said that along with hanging the traitors, it is equallyimportant to teach a lesson to the supporters of those who are against humanity and nation.
Ramdev’s reaction come after Bollywood actor Salman Khan in a controversial tweet said that Yakub Memon should not be hanged as the real culprit is the latter’s brother Tiger Memon.Yakub Memon has been sentenced to death for his role in the 1993 Mumbai blasts.
Creating sympathy for Yakub is wrong says Sambit Patra
TheBharatiya Janata Party spokesperson Sambit Patra at a conference slammed people who were defending Yakub Memon, saying it was wrong and that people should have respect for the apex court’s decision. He said, “Terrorism doesn’t have religion; don’t try to play pity politics on.